R.S.V.P Vladimir Putin



I cannot believe the newest idiocy by President Obama and his Secretary of State, John Kerry.


Not only is Obama acting like the provincial wuss, but also, he’s allowing Kerry to spew the same verbal rhetorical garbage to the media.  Obama is showing the world and especially our allies that he is spineless and talk is cheap.  He might as well just give Putin an invitation and a R.S.V.P. to come to our country and help himself,  especially now with Obama’s budget cuts to our military.  Every move backward, that Obama takes, is a forward dare by Putin.  I’m very sure Putin is watching every dysfunctional step in our government structure and he’s taking advantage of it knowing Obama has no kahunas.

With all this happening in the Crimean Peninsula and the Ukraine, what does Obama do?  He decides to let the EPA, set new restrictions on sulfur content in the gasoline production, for the second time, from 90 % to 10%.  There is no indication or evidence of why that reduction is being promulgated and enacted if it does not help the environment or our health.  All it does is increase costs of our gasoline usage by at least a dime a gallon and screws the car manufacturers by making them make changes to the manufacturing processes, resulting in higher car prices.

It’s another crushing blow to our economic struggle for improvement.    Obama might as well get on Air Force One and take a seat next to Putin in Russia, and then annex the US as Russian property.  We have two and a half years more of Obama’s dictatorship and no one is doing anything about it.  All Congress is doing is sitting on their proverbial asses and allowing Obama to do whatever the hell he wants.  Harsh language, you say, you betcha!

The safety of our country is at risk here.  And Senator Harry Reid…he’s nothing but an Obama ass kisser.  He does nothing but prevent the truth from being told for his own agendas.  I truly believe Obama wanted the presidency so that he could take numerous long vacations, play golf, and B-ball, so he didn’t have to deal with leadership, all on the taxpayer’s dime.

What happened to President Reagan’s Star Wars Initiative?  It must still exist.  We have a new ship that has laser firepower and it never misses its targets, no matter how fast the jets fly.  The power we have does not mean war, but it will be a deterrent if we stand together with a line drawn in the sand.  Where is the courage and integrity of our government to stand firm on freedom?

I read the other day about a question of what will happen if missiles are fired upon the white House.  The solution was to put up blimps in the sky and check for missiles.  How high tech is that?  By the time the blimps are in the sky, we can say good-bye to Washington, D.C., but on second thought…

It is always iffy when electing a government official.  Promises are always broken because no matter what a politician decries, he has to be backed by other politicians who may not agree.  It takes the Legislative Congress and the Executive branch to make it happen.  This is a normal standoff we experience every day, every year, and every election.  But with the powerful oration of Obama, he has convinced the “uninformed and the gullible” that he can do it and solve our problems.

Here is a man who has no experience in business, no experience in leadership, and has no common sense regarding the fundamentals of our constitutional obligations, even when he declared he was a student of the constitution.  And you, the voters, were dumb enough to fall for it.  I guess Obama’s “business” card should read, “Fire, fire, pants on fire.  I promise to tell you the lies I can muster (master)”.

I never thought I would live long enough to see a sitting president surpass the idiocy and inane term of Jimmy Carter.  Obama makes Carter look like a cub scout.  Obama has screwed the American Taxpayer with so many blatant lies.  He promoted the raising of gas prices, no foreign policies, ridiculous healthcare mandates, outrageous EPA regulations, and the destruction of energy companies, preventing business startups and creating their downfalls.

We, as targets of all this destructive and idealistic disappointments, are in dire need of investing in the most popular health product today…Preparation-H.  I remember years ago when the shoplifters made Preparation-H their number one product to steal.  Do you know why?  It helped reduce the widening of their nostril cavities when snorting continuously the abundance of cocaine.  Gee, I wonder who was the first to come up with that idea.

Are you ready for a “real” change and not a prevaricated one?  Mid-term elections are ready for your votes.  So, unless the “real” change happens in November, grab your ankles, bend over, and kiss your ass goodbye.

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