Comatose Pennsylvania Voters

Tom WolfeTom Corbett


We now have two contenders for the Governorship of Pennsylvania, Wolfe and Corbett, Democrat and Republican.  The question is not who will be the best leader, but who is less capable of the two questionable choices.

Let’s start with the Mr. Wolfe.  He vows to tax the companies before fracking occurs and using the tax money for education, road projects, bridge repair, etc.  Unfortunately, Pennsylvania is the known as “detour, road under construction” state.  Gasoline taxes are supposed to take care of that problem.

He also wants to add funds for education, and that my friends, is nothing but a pipe dream.  Look up the statistics to see if Pennsylvania rates in the top 10% of student education in the US.  It doesn’t even come close.  The taxpayers are throwing money down the crapper trying to fund education while the unions are protecting the educators that are not doing their best.  California has the right idea of terminating tenure and firing teachers that are not capable of producing results.

There is not enough of the three R’s and Science, and they concentrate on social problems that cannot be resolved.  The Federal Government is partially to blame for all this chaos.  There is a plethora of systemic educational problems across Pennsylvania, and I do not want to discuss them in this forum.

Concerning the fracking companies, Wolfe is trying to convince the voters about the ridiculous idea of taxing them. Why not make the companies pay an excessive tax.  It will bring more money into the Pennsylvania coffers to spend on fruitless endeavors.  What a joke.  The voters must be in a coma to believe that it will be as he says.  Put a tax on the companies and the companies will only raise the rates and pass the tax onto the voters.  Just what we need, more high pricing and the voters will have additional expenses toward their bills.

Many voters who don’t understand the way government works, hence, are in a coma.  No matter what the politician promises, he is only a third of the government.  The House and Senate must also agree to that promise, else bye, bye promise.  You cannot tax a state into prosperity.

The government mandated to help the people of its state by making sure businesses are able to prosper to create jobs that are lacking.  If you create jobs, you eliminate dependency on other people and agencies.  If the government regulates the business into oblivion, jobs are lost and it creates dependency.  Do you realize that there are signs in New York that say go to Pennsylvania because it is the easiest state to get welfare.  I guess the voters want to support more out-of-state people to suckle on our taxes.

If you uneducated voters do not recognize the problems and continue to accept the futility of these progressive ideals, then you will be in dire need of help yourself one day.  Look at what Obama has created to hurt our country.  That is the same issue when it comes to not resolving our economic problems.

Governor Corbett has taken a page out of the Democratic playbook, and he is thinking of taxing the fracking companies too.  We may be in trouble now unless the congress can see through this absurdity.  Making our gasoline more expensive has put a burden on all of us.  It is unbelievable that since I was born the price of gas has gone up from 29 cents a gallon to almost $4.00 a gallon.  Much of the gasoline prices are stacked with tax upon tax.

There are too many fringe groups hurting the economy by fighting against the development of energy independence.  We can control the environmental problems even after we become independent.  Many of you are too young to remember the prediction of Carl Sagan, noted scientist, who said that if the oil wells in Kuwait are set on fire by Saddam Hussein’s forces that invaded Kuwait, there would an atmospheric dilemma causing a nuclear winter and create environmental problems.  The oil well fires were extinguished it didn’t cause environmental issues as he later recanted that concern.  I guess even a famous scientist can be wrong.

Our state government is in turmoil.  The voters better come out of their coma or zombie state, learn what is best for Pennsylvania, and not rely on more expenditures.  Other states have gone from a deficit of billions of dollars to billions in the black.  Perhaps our next governor should benchmark those states, and meet with that administration to see how it is done.

All you comatose voters get in line and educate yourselves.  Don’t vote blindly or on supposition, but vote for the best possible concern for your needs and survival in Pennsylvania’s economic future.









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